tessuti ignifughi

Dark to Light Palette

The fifth palette we want to offer you is called Dark to Light Create a feeling of harmony that celebrates the changing of the seasons, with colours that feel right all year round. ... Continua a leggere

Timeless Blocking Palette

The fourth palette we want to offer you is called Timeless Blocking Simplicity is the key to this trend. This palette takes a clean yet inviting direction, paying tribute to contemporary design full of colour. ... Continua a leggere

Sun-Kissed Browns Palette

The third palette we want to offer you is called Sun-Kissed Browns Colours that stand the test of time will be more important than ever. Classic, timeless quality defines the various palettes, all of which are presented in mini catalogues, each dedicated to a theme that we wish to communicate. ... Continua a leggere

Nourishing Greens Palette

Trend Our fabric and colour forecasts are grouped around the theme of the emotional response, which will be the main driver of consumer demands over the next few years. We have made use of the mood in which the product is presented, reinterpreting the palette in order to celebrate the colours, as well as the creativity and quality of fabrics made in Italy. ... Continua a leggere